Tips for Navigating October’s First Aries Full Moon


Happy October!

This month is a rare one. We have not one, but TWO full moons in Aries! The first is today (10/1), exact at 5:05pm ET. The second will occur on 10/31. 

To me, this is so Aries. Wants to make sure it’s first, but also determined to have the last word. To always be remembered.

Aries is the first sign of the zodiac. The leader, the initiator, the go getter. Confrontative, impulsive, direct. The warrior, the joy seeker, unafraid to put themselves first.

Aries is the epitome of a fire sign–– passionate, energetic, takes initiative, demands movement and freedom, a strong zest for life.

So, yes: this is inarguably a high energy, highly emotional time. Especially since a full moon on its own is a time of celebration, completion, and release. It wouldn’t be wrong to think, “Uh oh, here we go.”

Because yes–– at its lowest, Aries is the fighter. It rules the head, and the archetype of an Aries is a ram. Heads down, horns ready for battle. Argumentative, combative, and always looking for a fight. Aries can also be selfish–– seen as me-focused, always wanting to be first, committed to what they want more than anything else. 

But here’s the thing: Deep down, and at their best, Aries is a fighter for LOVE. They’re fierce and ruthless on behalf of those they care about, and what they believe in. They’re able, willing, and unafraid to speak up for those who cannot be heard. And that selfishness I talked about? How beautiful and wonderful that they’re unafraid to go after what they want. Convinced, with a deep knowing in their heart, that they deserve the life of their dreams. That nothing can get in their way.

If you’re feeling the fire already and fear this full moon will put you over edge, here are some ways to channel the wisdom of water and find balance:

Find stillness

  • Set an alarm (or maybe a few) that reminds you to breathe. Close your eyes, take ten deep breaths, and feel the breath as it moves through the body. It’ll take a minute, max.

Head to the water

  • Take a bath, walk to the nearest body of water by your home, or look at pictures of water on the internet (personally a big fan of @sea on instagram these days)

Get creative

  • Water signs are naturally creative, as well as musical! Draw, paint, sew, cook without a recipe, organize a closet, sing, whatever. I know the word “creative” can be triggering for some… just pick something that allows you to think outside the box, and roll with it. 

If you’ve been feeling low and have TOO much water right now, here are some ways to channel the wisdom of fire and capitalize on this full moon: 

Seek out joy & laughter

  • Where can you have more FUN? How can you laugh more? Let yourself get silly on purpose, and channel your inner child. Find your favorite comedian and watch a set or two. 

Set boundaries

  • Use “no” as a complete sentence. Say it more often, and don’t explain or apologize as you do it. (Yes, you can start small.)

Make yourself feel sexy

  • Rock that red lip for the hell of it, put on your favorite pair of earrings, or maybe reach for that “going out” top that makes you feel special. It doesn’t have to be loud, or something other people can see. Just do something that makes you smirk and feel alive.

In true Aries fashion, may this be a time that you carve out space to take care of you

Interested in understanding your own elemental breakdown so you can find balance every day, rather than just on this full moon? Click here to book a reading.