The meaning behind a full moon


We have a full moon around every 28 days, but I find that people rarely know that a full moon actually means.

Here’s what you need to know:

Full moons occur when the sun and the moon are exactly opposite one another. The sun illuminates the face of the moon (as we see it), brightening the dark sky.

Remember, put VERY simply, astrology is the study of what’s going on up there and how it influences us down here.

So if the moon is at its biggest and fullest, then full moons make things seem bigger down here too.

The full moon can be a time of celebration.

It’s a culmination of sorts. A release. An ending, marking the completion of the intentions you set at the last new moon. On a new moon the sky is dark, but now the sky is bright. It’s time to let whatever you’ve been working on be seen!

It can also be a time where you FEEL THE FEELS.

The moon represents our intuition, our emotions, and what we need, so your inner world may be magnified. Full moons may feel more intense, but this isn’t necessarily a bad thing.

With these basics in mind…

It’s time to get into the flavor of the full moon. Each meaning is based on the particular sign it falls in, as well as the sun sign it’s opposing. If you want to take things a step further, you can look at where this full moon falls in your chart, too. That will reveal what realm of your life this full moon will impact.

To stay up to date on the specifics of each full and new moon, be sure to sign up for my newsletter.

What do you notice during a full moon? Comment below or send me an email at