Three Tips for Making the Most of the Next Year in Your Career


Part of me still can’t believe the words about to come out of my mouth. *Here goes nothing...*

On January 28th, my business officially turned one year old.

365 days.

52 weeks.

12 months.


^^I know. Say WHAT?!


On the one hand, it feels like it’s been years–– YEARS! SO much has happened.


On the other hand, it feels like it’s been about 10 seconds. Like nothing has happened at all.


Truth be told, this major milestone almost went by unnoticed. Time moves so fast these days (just me?) that I just, well, lost track of it.


But boy, am I glad it didn’t. As much as I feel a bit in awe and flabbergasted by my biz’ first birthday, taking the time to reflect on this past year has been both powerful and profound.


Because investing in yourself — and your future — by looking back at your past needn’t be reserved for the start of each calendar year.


So whether you’re planning to start your own business one day, or toying with what may feel like a cataclysmic change of your own, or just looking for ways to be more mindful and present in your day to day, I’ve shared my top three takeaways from *Year One* (eek!) below.



I know how easy it is (um, hello... I almost missed my first business anniversary!) to keep plowing forward. Eyes on the prize, full steam ahead. But if you don’t take the time — even a mere few minutes a day — to celebrate how far you’ve come and all you’ve achieved, you’re starving yourself of credit and acknowledgment you deserve. There are so many mini celebrations along the way to attaining your goals. You just have to take the time to notice them!


Pro tip: I use my favorites folder to store photos of the joyful micro-moments. Whenever I receive good feedback, a sweet note, a testimonial, or a comment on instagram where someone shares how my work has helped them, I screen shot it. I then add it to my favorites (tap the heart logo at the bottom of your screen) so that it’s easily accessible on the days I really need a boost.



If you had told me a year ago today that I would launch a website, write (and then rewrite) my website copy, put my fears and vulnerabilities (and my FACE) on social media regularly, stand up in front of large groups to deliver workshops, or teach meditation for big companies across the country in year one of my business, I never would’ve believed you. Entrepreneur or not– building a career you're passionate about is a winding road with many challenges along the way. But know this: YOU. CAN. DO. IT.


Pro tip: Keep a reverse bucket list. It’s just like a bucket list, but instead of writing down all the things you want or hope to achieve, you write down all the things you already have. Keep a notes folder in your phone or a journal, and remember: no accomplishment is too small a feat! 



In larger corporate settings, it’s easier to keep business and personal separate. (Often recommended, too.) When you have your own business? It’s one and the same. As I mentioned above, entrepreneurship is HARD. But that doesn’t make it unique! Regardless of your path, I know you’re reading this because you too have high hopes, big dreams, and lofty aspirations. Which means that you will also face challenge after challenge. You’ll, like me, be pushed to learn and grow. 


Pro tip: I have done a lot — and I mean A LOT — of personal growth work this year. Coaching, therapy, “self-help” books, expansive podcasts, networking events, professional development workshops and classes, and more. I’ve felt ALL my feelings — hello, tears — instead of bottling them up inside. I approach my thoughts, my reactions, and my core beliefs with a sense of CURIOSITY rather than judgment.

As you go through your own struggles, consider the following questions: What can I learn about myself in this moment? How can I use it to my advantage? Am I getting in my own way? And another thing— don’t view the traditional “work stuff” as the only type of effort you’re putting into your business. View yourself and your personal development with compassion. It ALL matters.


Well there you have it!

Year one, summarized into a mere three tips. I’d be lying if I said my takeaways stop at just three... but it feels like a good place to start.

I know that this is just the beginning. For me, for you, for all of us.


Here’s to all that’s happened, and all that’s yet to come!

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